
Common Questions About USI Sensing Plus® Smoke Alarms

How often should I replace my smoke alarms?

It's generally recommended that smoke alarms be replaced every ten years. Depending on their location and upkeep, smoke alarms can wear out over time. If you're unsure when a smoke alarm was installed or if you believe it's close to approaching its ten year end of life cycle, you should replace it immediately.

Where should I install smoke alarms?

Early detection of smoke, carbon monoxide, and natural gas is key to saving lives. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recommends installing a smoke alarm on every level of your home, including finished attics and basements. You are also encouraged to install a smoke detector inside every bedroom (or areas where people may sleep) and at the top of certain stairways.

Do I need three kinds of detectors or can one do it all?

You never know what kind of hazard will strike your home, or when. That's why we recommend technology that can detect carbon monoxide (CO) as well as smoke and fire. You'll get the most protection from detectors that can quickly and accurately respond to a range of threats.

What are "nuisance alarms"? Why are they a concern?

A smoke alarm that goes off when there's no emergency is annoying. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), these "nuisance alarms" are the leading reason why homeowners intentionally disable their smoke detectors. A survey conducted by the NFPA found that smoke alarms sounded in only half of the home fires reported to U.S. fire departments, and almost two-thirds of home fire deaths resulted from fires in homes with no smoke alarms or no working smoke alarms.

Why does my smoke alarm "chirp" approximately once every minute?

The smoke alarm chirps to indicate a "low battery" condition, meaning the battery needs to be replaced. Battery powered smoke alarms will chirp a minimum of 30 days before the battery completely loses power.

AC powered smoke alarms with battery backup will chirp indefinitely assuming AC power is present; if battery power is low, or battery is removed; until a fresh battery is installed. Approved replacement batteries are listed on the back of each smoke alarm and in the user's manual.

Certain model smoke alarms with a silence button (designed to silence the alarm during a nuisance alarm) may chirp to indicate the smoke alarm is in silence mode. The chirp will stop after approximately 8 minutes and the smoke alarm will return to its normal operation.

Are these 8th generation smoke alarms?

Yes, all USI Sensing Plus Alarms meet new UL 217 8th Edition requirements for smoke alarms.

What are new Sensing Plus® Smoke Alarms?

Universal Security Sensing Plus® Smoke Alarms include the latest smoke and fire safety enhancement features while conforming to the new UL 217 8th Edition. Complying with this new UL standard set to be introduced, Security Sensing Plus® Smoke Alarms are being designed to quickly identify the presence of smoke and fire without triggering nuisance alarms brought on by everyday cooking smoke and steam. By utilizing multi criteria smoke and fire sensors, this selection of AI powered smoke detectors can differentiate and respond to both fast flaming and slow smoldering fires (includes polyurethane fires that tend to burn quicker). Combine this with a built-in microprocessor that removes virtually all false alarms caused by cooking and you'll have access to a highly intelligent smoke detector that will alert you to actual threats. Learn More >

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